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Flow Cytometry Systems

Flow Cytometers / Flow Cytometry Systems

Flow cytometers are special machines used to analyze cells and particles population using laser-based fluorescence detection.

Partec East Africa Limited offers a wide range of compact flow cytometer analyzers with up to 5 light sources and 16 optical parameters. All flow cytometry applications in healthcare, microbiology, industrial applications, quality control, as well as plant and animal cytology benefit from the Partec real-time acquisition. This makes it possible to carry out real-time, absolute counting of cells, cellular subsets and other particles on a volumetric basis.


We offer an affordable assortment of the highest-precision, portable, battery-operated, fluorescence and transmitted light LED microscopes, which are manufactured in Germany. Ideal for all types of fluorescence and light microscopy in research, immunofluorescence, cell biology, pathology and phraseology.

Reagents and Consumables

Partec East Africa offers a wide range of reagents and consumables for a perfect run of the instrument, an easy quality control using beads as standards and the effective and rapid maintenance of the flow cytometer. Reagents Kits for specified applications and a steady growing portfolio of fluorescence tagged antibodies are available for numerous fields in research and industry, like cell biology, microbiology, immunology and biotechnology.

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